viernes, 22 de marzo de 2024

Working with Vocabulary


1. tied up

2. hold  a meting

3. give a presentaion

4. make a meeting

5. check your calendar



1. a. No, I'm afraid i'll be tied up all day

2. b. Just a moment, i'll check the calendar

3. a. Yes, all the members of the customer relations department.

4. a. I'm sorry. I alredy have something planned.

5. a. Let's look for another date that is convenient for us both.

6. a. You'll learn a lot of essential information

7. b. Not yet, I have to check when Ms Carson is available.

8. b. Don't worry. We can rearrange for another day.



1. video conference

2. sharp

3. light refreshments

4. equipment 

5. pack

6. break



1. time

2. busy

3. later

4. food and drinks

5. free

6. stop


 A: Hello! I have a problem with my PC, it says that an error has occurred and that i will lose any unsaved data of any open program. 

B: Ok, try pressing the return key of your keyboard. 

A: Ok! Um… Nope, it says the same thing again. 

B: Oh… ok maybe trying with pressing the Control, alt and delete keys at the same time it should work. 

A: Ok, maybe that works… Nope, still gives me the same blue error. 

B: Ok… It should be an error from a component in the computer. Please, give me your name and customer number. 

A: Ok, My name is George Roy and my customer number is 0451113A. 

B: Ok, now I'll put you through to the IT maintenance department, they will guide you with the fixing of the component error.

lunes, 4 de marzo de 2024

Vocabulary 7


Accounts departament departament contable 

customer relations departament  departament de relacions amb clients

human resources departament departament de recursos humans

IT maintenance departament Departament de manteniment informàtic

sales and marketing departament departament de vendes i màrqueting


Customer service

charge cobrar
complaint queixa
customer number número de client
damaged espatllat
discuss it discutir-ho
enquiry petició
get back to you tornar a tu
hold the line  mantenir-se en linina
opening times  horari d'obertura
overcharge cobrar de més
quote cita
satisfaied satisfet
shipping date  data d'enviament


assist assistir
at our expense a costa nostra
check my records comproveu els meus registres
compensation compensació
credit our accountacreditar el nostre compte
doesn't fit no encaixa
error error
faulty part part defectuosa
losing business perdre negocis
lost in the post perdut durant trajecte
make a claim fer una reclamació
making a noise fent soroll
missing a partfalta una part
refund reclamar
refuse denegar
suggest suggereix
the wrong item l'article equivocat
Under warranty sota garantia



Broken Trencat
customer satisfaction la satisfacció del client
disappointed decebut
displeased disgustat
dissatisfaction insatisfacció
feedback comentaris
file a lawsuit presentar una demanda
financial director director financer
inappropriate inadequat
lose business perdre negocis
managing director director gerent
research and devolpment departament departament de recerca i desenvolupament
treatment tractament

Vocabulary 10

  E-MAILING attachment- archiu adjunt blind carbon copy- Copia oculta carbon caopy-  e-mail client- Client e-mail embed-Insertar filter- Fil...